Frequently asked questions about hair transplantation in Turkey

Most frequently asked questions about hair transplant in Turkey.

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What is the cost of hair transplantation in Turkey?

Hair transplantation is considered one of the most expensive operations in Europe, America and the world. But in Turkey, you can find it at a reasonable price of $ 1200 to $ 1500. You can also read our article to find out more about the prices of hair transplants in Turkey.

How long does it take for the results of hair transplantation to appear?
  • Recovery phase after surgery from a week to ten days
  • The transplanted hair begins to fall out after hair transplant from three weeks to a month.
  • Hair grows back from three to five months and remains for life.
  • The final result of the hair transplant process appears from nine months to a year.
  • Contact us if you have any questions related to the transplant
The brief stages a person goes through during the hair transplant process?
  • Stage of anesthesia.
  • Extraction of follicles.
  • Separation of follicles or sections.
  • Follicle growing stage.

Frequently asked questions about cosmetic and dental implants in Turkey

We collected for you the most frequently asked questions about cosmetic surgery and dental implants in Turkey

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Is dental treatment contraindicated during pregnancy?

The best time for dental treatment during pregnancy is during the second trimester of the week, from 14 to 20 days, given the need for immediate treatment in case of infections or dental swelling.

What is dental treatment in children?

This is a dental department dealing with dental problems and their treatment in children aged 0-12 years, such as extraction of milk teeth, children’s fillings, root canal treatment in children.

When installing dental implants, dentists follow these steps:
  • Consultations, examination and necessary examinations.
  • Surgical incision to open the gums and expose the bones.
  • Deep holes in the bone where the dental implant will be placed.
  • Placement of the stent.
  • Establishing a crown.

Frequently asked questions about weight loss operations in Turkey

We collected for you the most frequently asked questions about tummy tucks and weight loss in Turkey

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When is obesity excessive?

Obesity becomes pathological if the BMI exceeds 40 or if the patient has gained more than 45 kg in weight.

Can obesity be healthy?

Although weight gain is generally undesirable and even harmful to health and is the cause of many diseases, a person can be overweight and healthy at the same time, especially if it is a chronic condition.

what is the difference between overweight and obesity?

Overweight is a BMI of 25 to 30, obesity is a BMI above 30. What do you mean by ideal body weight? It is the sum of height, age, and gender (male or female).

Frequently asked questions about rhinoplasty

Most frequently asked questions about rhinoplasty in Turkey.

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What is the recovery and recovery period after rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a simple operation that does not require a long recovery period. The patient can leave the hospital the next day after surgery, and sometimes on the same day. However, this varies from person to person, and the technique used in the surgery causes large differences in recovery times. Therefore, after the operation, it is necessary to follow the instructions of the doctor in order to ensure a quick recovery.

After the operation, the shape of the nose begins to gradually change with the disappearance of the edema. A commitment to take the prescribed treatment and avoid exposure to sunlight if possible so that the nose reaches its final shape in two to 12 weeks.

What are the steps taken before, during and after rhinoplasty?

Before the operation, the patient needs to undergo some laboratory tests, as well as an electrocardiogram. During the two weeks leading up to surgery, the patient should refrain from taking any medications that can cause blood flow and slow blood clotting, and these medications include some analgesics such as aspirin and medications containing ibuprofen.

Rhinoplasty steps


Anesthesia can be complete, partial, or local, depending on the doctor’s prescription. After this, the operation begins, which can be performed through an incision in the nose or without using this incision.

Changing the shape of the nose

When cartilage and bone are removed, cartilage transplantation may sometimes be required.

Correction of the shape of the nasal septum

All surgical manipulations are performed inside the nose through small incisions, thanks to minor submucosal resection of the septum, its shape is corrected.

Then the recovery phase begins and awaits results after coming out of anesthesia.

What are the different types of rhinoplasty surgeries?

Nose reduction surgery: This can involve specific areas such as the wing, bridge of the nose, or the width of the nose.

Nose augmentation surgery: This type of surgery is often curative in nature and can result from deformity or incomplete growth of the nose, or after surgical removal of a portion of the nose.

Ethnic rhinoplasty surgeries: common in certain races, characterized by the shape and edge of the nose, such as the peoples of the Middle East or the Mediterranean.

Post-accident rhinoplasty surgeries: which are performed for a period of one week to ten days after an accident that has caused damage to some bones or cartilage.